
Taker overview

Taker provides an easy way to buy or sell crypto assets at a specific price.

On Taker, users are getting current prices from Market Makers and trade tokens via sending execution requests to the Market Makers who provided that exact prices. Market Taker is sending the execution request to the Market Maker with validity time. Validity time should be dependent on the finality time of a given blockchain and the maximum value of last look time that the Market Taker would give to a particular Market Maker.

How to trade

To start trading, you must first connect to your wallet and create a blockchain session.


  1. Go to the streaming page

  2. Choose which side of a token pair you'd like to exchange

3. Enter the amount you'd like to trade

4. Set your token allowance and approve it using MetaMask.

5. Navigate to the confirmation panel - click on the "Get quote" button.

6. Click the "Confirm" button to confirm your transaction.

7. The transaction is complete. The details can be seen in the blockchain explorer.

Transaction status

There are 7 possible transaction statuses.

  • pending - transaction is being processed by our server.

  • rejected on server - the CoinQuoter server rejected the transaction because validation failed.

  • rejected by maker - Market Maker rejected the transaction. Taker will be compensated, and the compensation will be sent to your penalty balance immediately after a trade rejection.

  • posted - transaction was sent to the blockchain for settlement.

  • rejected on blockchain - transaction was rejected on the blockchain.

  • timeout - market makers didn't respond.

  • confirmed - transaction is confirmed.

  • TX processing failed - transaction failed during processing.

Reject compensation balance

You will be compensated each time the maker rejects a trade. The compensation will be credited to your "Reject compensation balance", which you can withdraw at any time.

Trading FAQ

How do I switch the direction of the swap?

You can do that by clicking on the other side of a swap.

How do I specify whether I want to sell or buy an asset on a selected side?

You can do that by clicking on the drop-down list in the place where you type in a token amount. You can choose whether you want to sell a specific amount of an asset or buy a specific amount of an asset.

How do select other token pair?

You can do that by clicking on the drop-down list at the top of the trade panel.

What does "No rates for specified amount" error mean?

It means that there is no available price stream for entered amount.

How much do I pay for gas?

The amount you pay as a gas fee is shown below your Balance, as well as on the transaction confirmation panel. A gas fee is already included in the price.

What is the"Your tokens" panel on the sidebar for?

It is an overview panel. You can add your tokens there and check their balances and allowances.

How can I see my transaction history?

Go to the "Transaction history" tab.

What does a "Amount too low" button appears on trade confirmation panel.

It means that the provided amount is too low. After deducting the gas charges, the amount is negative.

Can I trade only with a specific maker?

You certainly can. Every market maker can distribute a link to his single dealer platform. You will be able to trade with him if you use this link.

How can I change the referral address I currently use?

Open taker website from your friend's referral, and the referral address will be updated automatically.

Last updated