
What is Quoter?

Quoter is an advanced configuration panel for Market Makers. Quoter panel allows Market Makers to create pricing rules and conditions for their activation. Moreover, on the Quoter panel, you can view the takers' exchange requests. The panel shows which pricing stream the requests belong to, what activation conditions were met at the time, and how the market looked before and after the transaction. The Quoter panel gives a general overview of your assets and the pricing streams that you broadcast to Market Takers. On the Quoter panel you can freely modify your price streams and the conditions for their activation or deactivation

How to sign in to Quoter

You can access Quoter only by clicking the "Sign in to quoter" button on Maker Panel.

What are pricing rules

Pricing rules are price streams that Market Makers broadcasts to Takers. Each price rule has its own parameters set independently by Market Makers.

Pricing rule parameters

  • Pricing source - pricing rates market provider for your token pair.

  • Side - side of a token pair (Bid or Ask).

  • Depth - the number of price levels in the order book at which VWAP will be calculated.

  • Spread - market maker markup on top of the price feed.

  • Slippage - due to the volatility of cryptocurrency, the price of an asset can often fluctuate. Slippage is a percentage value of the price fluctuation. The transaction will be canceled if the price "slips" more than you set.

  • Maximum amount - the maximum amount that the client can trade based on a particular stream. If your balance or allowance is less than the maximum amount, the max amount will be reduced to the minimum value of these 3 parameters.

  • Minimum amount - the minimum amount of an asset that a Taker can trade on our pricing stream.

  • Description - whatever you want it to be.

  • Binance auto hedge - Select this option if you want your order to be auto hedged with Binance.

How to create pricing rule

  1. Go to the Maker website.

  2. Connect to your wallet and start a session.

  3. Click on the "Sign into quoter" button.

  4. Click on the "Add new pair" button and select a token pair from token list that showed up on your screen.

5. Select the token pair and click "Add new rule" button.

6. Set the parameters for this specific pair and click "Save".

7. You have successfully created a new rule. In the dashboard, you can see all the rules you have on a specific pair.

All rules you create are disabled by default. You have to manually enable your rules if you want to start streaming prices.

INBOUND - price that you receive from a pricing source. You specify the pricing source on a given depth while adding the rule.

OUTBOUND - price that you are streaming to takers.

BEST PRICE - the best price streamed by Makers on a specific stream size.

How to enable pricing stream

  1. In the Quoter dashboard panel, select the token pair and click on the stream that you'd like to enable.

2. Switch on the rule button at the top of rule details page.

What are activation rules

Market Makers can create activation rules for their pricing rules. The activation rule is a requirement that must be met for our prices to be broadcasted to takers. The pricing stream will be disabled if at least one activation rule fails to match the conditions that we specified for this price stream.

Activation rules can be used to create different market scenarios for our pricing rules.


Let's say you want to stream prices until your USD balance hits a certain level. You simply need to create an activation rule that disables your streams if your balance condition is not met.

How to create an activation rule for a pricing rule.

  1. Open a rule details view.

  2. Click "Add new rule".

3. Select available source value, compare condition and value to compare to.

4. Your activation rule has been created.

Pricing stream and activation rules indicators

On a rule details view, we have 3 different indicators for pricing streams and activation rules.

  1. You can enable/disable that exact pricing rule.

  2. Shows whether an activation rule matches its conditions.

  3. Shows whether all activation rules match their conditions and trade executor is connected to the server.

Quoter streams prices to Takers only if all activation rules meet their conditions and trade executor on maker panel is enabled.



Why is my rule status inactive?

Your rule might be inactive because of:

  • Pricing rule might be disabled.

  • One of rule activation conditions is not matched.

  • Trade executor on Maker panel is disabled.

Why is there no market chart for my filled transaction?

The chart will be available when market data is gathered.

What does "best price" colors mean?

If "best price" on your pricing rule has a green color, it means your price is the best on this size. The red color indicates there is a better price stream for this size. The better your price is, the more likely takers will receive your price stream.

Last updated