
What is Maker?

Maker is an open-source platform created for Market Makers. A maker's primary responsibility is to receive market takers request orders and send them to the blockchain. Maker front-end is completely independent from Quoter server. Can be changed according to the will of the makers. This architecture is providing additional protection for market makers. You need to set fundamental settings on the maker's panel to start executing trades. These settings apply to our security, as well as transaction fees.

To visit Maker website click here.

How it works

Maker receives order requests from market takers, validates them and sends to blockchain for trade settlement. It's up to market makers using Maker panel whether they want to reject or accept the orders.

See the link below for more information about participants of our system.

Maker panel must always be open, as it is responsible for executing orders. Leave it open on your server or computer.


Maker core functionality is completely independent of our server. It provides an additional form of protection for market makers. There are some safety settings like max gas fee, max slippage and your token list that you need to set in order to start executing trades.

All of these security settings, as well as the separation of the maker panel from the server, are designed to protect market makers in case of hacking our server, or it's corruption.

The maker always has final decision whether to accept or decline the transaction.


Market Maker should take care of the latency between Maker panel and the server that is streaming prices. If your ping exceeds 500 the trade executor will be disabled, and streams won't be broadcasted to market takers. This will prevent the orders from being rejected for exceeding the slippage.

Binance auto hedge

Our platform provides the option of auto hedging your orders with Binance. Select the auto hedge option when creating rules. All orders that belong to this rule will be automatically hedged with Binance.

How to set up your auto hedge settings?

Click on the "Auto hedge settings" button and provide your Binance account information. Click Save, and add a pricing rule with the enabled Binance auto hedge option.


Why the switch to enable trade execution is disabled?

You can't enable trade execution because you haven't set the fundamental rules or there are some errors in them. None of the options displayed on the dashboard panel should be highlighted in red.

Why do I reject order requests?

Your order will be rejected when the price slippage will be exceeded or the order validation will fail on your end.

What does the "Invalid private session key" alert mean, and how to solve this error?

This error occurs if you did not provide the session private key, or it is incorrect. To solve this error, open the session details and insert a valid private session key.

What does the "Connection with the websocket server has been lost. Trying to reconnect." error mean?

It means that the Maker panel lost connection with our server due to high latency or problems on our end. The maximum latency is 500ms. The maker will try to automatically reconnect to the server.

What does the "Connection with the websocket server could not be established." error mean?

It means that there are problems reconnecting to the server. Try to reconnect to server later.

What does the "Max slippage value is lower than the lowest pricing rule slippage value. Change your settings to avoid confusion related to rejecting request." warning mean?

It means that the Max slippage value is lower than the lowest pricing rule slippage value. Your pricing rule slippage value will no longer be taken into account since the max slippage value is superior to the pricing rules slippage values.

Why does the balance options highlight in red?

It means that you do not have enough funds in your balance accounts.

Why does the Max gas fee or Max slippage option highlight in red?

It means you haven't set any Max gas fee or Max slippage value.

Why does the Your tokens option highlight in red?

It means that you haven't selected any tokens.

Why do takers see a "no rates" alert on my price streams?

In general, it means that there is no price stream for an entered amount. This may be due to low balance, allowance or maximum amount set on the pricing rule.

Why was a penalty applied to my transaction

You have full control over your reputation. Rejecting trades will cause reputation damage and apply penalty to your transactions.

Last updated