Wallet connection
Supported methods
You can use the followings methods to connect to your wallet:
Public wallet key
1. Click "Connect to wallet"
2. Choose "Connect with metamask"
3. Confirm the connection in metamask
Public wallet key
This approach disables the ability to set a token's allowance, start a blockchain session, or deposit/withdraw any balance. It should be used for example when you would like to run maker console on the server where you don't have metamask.
This approach is not recommended, when you are just willing to test workflow with small amounts.
1. Click "Connect to wallet"
2. Type in your wallet public key
3. Click "Set"
Once you confirm your wallet address, the page will reload and you will be connected to your wallet.
Change the public wallet key
By clicking on your wallet address, a connection dialog appears and you will be able to change the wallet address.
1. Click the wallet address
2. Type in your wallet public key or connect with metamask
Once you confirm your wallet address, the page will reload and you will be connected to your wallet.
If you want to disconnect you need to remove any text in the dialog's input and click "Change"
Last updated